
Prayers for the people

11 January 2011

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 9 January, 2011

Paul Cheung

Heavenly Father, we come to You to express our concern for the people close to us and far away. May You listen to our prayer.

In the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for the people and churches of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. May Your peace and blessings be with Your people and churches in these places.

Dear Lord, we pray for the victims in the flooding in Australia. We pray for the effective emergency relief and preventive measures to reduce the damage.

We pray for the economic, social, and political situations in Ivory Coast. We pray for a peaceful resolution of the current political crisis there. We also pray for a better living of the people.

In Hong Kong, we pray that the annual budget can address the poverty problem in particular the widening wealth gap issue. We pray that the poor can enjoy the fruit of prosperity.

We pray for our congregation. Dear Lord, please remember our friends who are sick or physically weak. We pray for them as we say their name aloud or in silence.

We pray for our Sunday School leaders, who lead the children and youth ministry. Please give them wisdom and patience to nurture our children and youth.

Dear Lord, we pray that You continue to use KUC to bring hope, love, peace, and care to the community. Please inspire us and guide us to use our gifts and be faithful stewards and true followers of Your kingdom.

Lord, thank you for listening to our prayer. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Now let us say the Lord’s prayer together. You may say the prayer in your own language.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, power and glory are Yours now and forever. Amen.

10 January 2011

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 2 January, 2011
Lucia Wah

Dear Heavenly Father,

At the beginning of 2011, let us remember that You created the earth and mankind. Please open our eyes to see Your gracious hand in Your work. Let us learn to serve you with gladness.

We pray for your guidance and governess by your Holy Spirit so that we may be led into the way of truth, and may hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace and in righteousness of life.

We remember before you all the poor, the needy, the sick, the old, the homeless, the jobless, the neglected, the suppressed and the war-torn victims. Please heal those who are broken in body or spirit.

We remember before you those who are absent today because of sickness, work and travel. Please be with them.
For The World
We pray for peace in Europe. The economic crisis has created instability in some countries and a threat of increasing violent attacks by extremist groups. Please give wisdom to those who hold offices of governments, and help the countries in Europe walk out of the various crises.
We pray for the people who are affected by the snow storms in the United States and in Europe. Please protect them from such severe natural disaster.
We pray for the rule of law in China, and the rights lawyers who promote it. We pray for the victims suffering from the unjust judiciary system and corruption. We pray for the release and the well being of Zhao Lianhai, the advocate for families whose children suffered from drinking tainted milk.
We pray that Hong Kong’s LegCo will finalise the minimum wage legislation as soon as possible, so that the grass-root workers can benefit from the wage protection and their lives improved.
For Our Congregation
We pray for our children and youth, and Sunday School leaders who lead the children and youth ministry at KUC. Please send the right people to nourish our youth and equip them to fulfill your purpose.
We pray for members and friends who are sick. We remember before our seniors, including Rev. Tan, Peter Chan, Dr. Lee, Rev. Kwok and Helen Tan.
In the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for the people and churches of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Iran and Iraq. Dear Lord, please direct all the people and churches in these countries in all their doings with your most gracious favor, father them with your continual help, strengthen the churches there, and strengthen the faith of people in You. Relieve their fears and fill their hearts with joy and thanksgiving, so that Your Holy name may be glorified.
In this cold weather, please remember those who suffer and provide them with necessary material and warmth. We pray in the name of Christ.
