
Prayers for the people

20 November 2022

Prayer of Intercession

20 November 2022

Prepared by Robert Lam

Twenty Forth Sunday After Pentecost

With a grateful and humble heart we give thanks to the spell of good weather.

We pray for a healthy planet. Deepen our gratitude for all you have made. Renew our commitment to care for earth and each other.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. 

We pray for Hong Kong:
We give thanks to the relaxation of covid control allowing family reunions and home visits.

We remember many in Hong Kong whose livelihood has been adversely affected by covid, particularly small businesses and their employees. We pray that they would find adequate work to support their family.

We pray for those who are in prison due to the social unrest. We pray for your protection. May they find strength and peace.

We pray for those pending trials. 

We pray for a fair and impartial judiciary and judges upholding the rule of law.

Lord in your mercy hear our prayers. 


We pray for people in different parts of China under frequent lockdowns. Lives disrupted and livelihood affected. We pray that the local government may be more humane in their application of the lockdowns particularly for young children and elderly requiring medical care.

We give thanks for the church in China. How the church has grown and flourished over the last forty years. And how the gospel has been preached to all corners of the country.

We pray for the church and believers due to the increasing control and restriction imposed by the Government. We pray that the believers will be strong, mature and united as they continue to worship and serve God.

We pray for the uighers in Xinjiang and other northwestern parts of China. We pray for a policy change to the reeducation camps and the many restrictions imposed on the people.

Lord in your mercy hear our prayers. 

We pray for Kowloon Union Church. 

We pray for today EGM. We pray that the deliberations and decisions will be helpful and productive and in accordance with your will.

We pray for our congregation:
The mothers of Alex Melwani, Helen Lee, Florence Tse and Chris Wong. 

We pray for Mrs Samuel, Anjenette, Habib, Hend, Jeanette Lee, Ng Kam Lee, Raymond Lau, Chui, Ramon, Lyn, Lucy, Mercy, Poulis, Saafa, Selvia and Stella Chan. We remember those caring for loved ones at home and in care facilities.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. 

In the Ecumenical cycle of prayer: we pray for the people and churches of Philippines, Indonesia and East Timor (Timor Leste).

We remember our many sisters and brothers of these countries working in Hong Kong. In offices, restaurants and at home. We pray for their well being, for just and fair employers, and for their meaningful integration into the life of the community.

Lord in your mercy hear our prayers. 

We pray all these in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 

Let us say the Lord’s Prayer together. You may say it in any language that you prefer:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven 

Give us today our daily bread,
forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. 

Save us from the time of trial but deliver us from evil. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and for ever. 


13 November 2022

Prayer of Intercession

13 November 2022

Led by Annieanette Bolanos

We bring to the Lord our prayers and concerns for others and ourselves. 

As one let us respond with the words 


Lord in your Mercy

Hear Our Prayers


God of peace and God of justice, our protection and our shield,

our light in every darkness, our hope in times of despair,

we bring to mind all those throughout this world, 

striving for a life fueled by peace and understanding.

Not hatred and distrust.


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayers


As many in the world remember this day, the sacrifice shown by those who fought in wars to defend and sustain freedom.

Freedom that enables us to make choices.

We too, remember all that has gone before us and all that will come to follow. Knowing Lord, that we human beings never learn and as one treaty is signed and agreed upon – another incident arises.

We pray for those who continue to struggle in the world seeking justice and freedom, those desperately searching for a place of safety and true equity.


Lord in your mercy 

Hear our prayers.


As we revel in the beauty of these crisp autumnal days we are in awe of the wonders of your creation. And yet again and again we see how we are eating away at all you have given us.

As world leaders discuss issues of global warming and climate change please let the words be real and let us see real change taking place in our city, our homes and our life.

Lord, we lift to you those in positions of leadership, elected and unelected, who have choices to make and to whom we look for guidance;

for those in healthcare and social care, for those in education,

for those in the emergency services:

we give thanks for them all and so many others,for their work and commitment.


May you protect them and may they remain vigilant and dedicated,

keen to serve others, and make this world a more just, a more peaceful, healthier place to live.


Lord in Your Mercy 

Hear our prayer


We seek your blessing Lord on the work of our brothers and sisters in the Sikh community - as they reopen the doors of the temple and their hearts to serve the needy of this city irrespective of creed or colour.


For those in our community needing our prayers, for all the names we have written down and for those who remain silently in our hearts. 

This morning I call on you to include in this time of silence our sister Dr Vivian Lee and the medical team that left Hong Kong for Madagsgar yesterday- may the lord protect, strengthen and sustain them in their Mission for Him 


We bring them to you now Lord, in the silence of this place….


Wait for about half a minute 


Lord in your Mercy Hear our prayers 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of our dear sister, Victorina Alegre Pagtama better known to us all as Ate Jenny. 

We thank you, Lord for calling her home to be with you, and we rejoice in knowing now she is at peace with you. 

May your comfort and peace rest on and with the family left behind. 


Lord, in your Mercy 

Hear our prayers.


God of all care, we recognise you at work here and now,

through your church, through your people,

through all those who seek to do your will.

We know you look to us to strive and yearn towards the coming days, that we can be part of a world that seeks to heal,

to build bridges of care and support,

to lift the poor and disadvantaged,

that aims to bring about your kin-dom, one action, one word at a time.


God of all love, we pray for ourselves and all people,

whatever their struggle, their dream, their loss,

their status, their hope. May they know your love

and experience your support through communities that care

and reach out to help.


Be with us all, gracious God, that we might be your eyes and ears,

your hands and feet, your heart and soul, wherever we find need. 


Let us join our voices as one praying the words Jesus has left with us in our native tongue 


Our Father 

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen.

06 November 2022

Prayer of Intercession

06 November 2022

Prepared by Hope Antone

Knowing that “the Lord is near to all who call on him” (Ps 145:18), let us now bring to God our concerns for the world, the church and for one another.


†Creator God, this Stewardship Sunday reminds us that we are here on earth on borrowed life from you the Source of life; and that we borrowed the earth and its resources from the future generations. May we find ways to respect and protect the interdependence of all living things and repair the damage caused by our human activity. May we learn to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the earth and all life within it. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 


†Loving God, we pray for those grieving the loss of life following the tragic Halloween festivities in Seoul, Korea and the bridge collapse in (Morbi, Gujarat) India. We also pray for the missing migrants of the boat that sank off the Greek island of Evia. Comfort the families of those who lost loved ones – people intending to celebrate or find safety and freedom. May we learn from these accidents and prevent the unnecessary loss of life. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.   


†Merciful God, we lift in prayer the churches and peoples in the island nations of the Oceania. Bless their efforts to preserve their islands amid rising sea levels, the threats of earthquakes and cyclones. Grant their leaders good governance that would address the needs of the impoverished and those in great need.  Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


†God of justice, we pray for people in our community and other places who face threats and punishments for their participation in demonstrations and protests. May they feel your protection, and find peace, meaning and purpose while serving their time in jail. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Our parent God, you created us in your image and called us to be your co-stewards. We lift to you KUC’s ministries which are calling us to participate in and support so we can nurture this congregation and serve the wider community. Help us to respond according to the talents and gifts you have given us. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.


†Faithful God, we pray that in your will, comfort and healing will be granted to: the mothers of Alex Melwani, Helen Lee, Florence Tse and Chris Wong; and for Mrs Samuel, Anjenette, Jenny Alegre, Chris Law, Habib, Hend, Jeanette Lee, Ng Kam Lee, Raymond Lau, Chui, Ramon Bultron, Lyn, Lucy Lim, Mercy, Poulis Zaki, Saafa, Selvia and Stella Chan. We also pray for some others whose names we whisper to you in our hearts ... May those caring for others, and those having to make difficult decisions, feel your guidance and assuranceLord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Gracious God, we always ask to feel your presence and hear your response to these, our prayers. But we muster up courage to say, “not our will but your will.” May we strive to be your presence, your image, in our respective homes and work places. In Christ’s name, Amen. 


Prepared by Hope Antone