
Prayers for the people

30 May 2021

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday 30 May 2021 
First Sunday after Pentecost 
Prepared by Nam Boo-Won

Let us pray together for our neighbors, near and far, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. After each prayer, I will say “Oh God of mercy and compassion”. Then please respond by saying “Hear Our Prayer”.


We thank you, Oh Lord, for your grace by inviting the whole congregation to pray for our neighbours, far and near, in this time of worship.   


We give thanks to God for the decreasing number of Covid cases in HK, and we are happy to know that the refugees and asylum seekers community will be given free Covid-19 vaccination.

However, we sadly witness that many parts of the world, including Asia, are continuing to suffer from the unabating Covid19 pandemic, particularly India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, and Australia. We pray for the victims, their families and loved ones, as well as those many patients struggling for their lives in the hospitals and elsewhere. At the same time, we witness the injustice and polarization in vaccine accessibility, taking place between global south and global north, due to self-centred greed of the few at the expense of so many people’s life. We seek your divine intervention to break this systemic injustice and make a reality the phrase “No one is left unvaccinated”.


Oh God of Mercy and Compassion! Hear our prayer.


We became to know that tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo over fears of another volcanic eruption. Including this, we continue to hear that either natural or man-made disasters and civil conflicts continue to occur in the land of Africa. We lift up the people of Africa to you, Oh Lord! Bring them your justice and peace, human security and safety so that the people of Africa could cherish their God-given life in its fullness based on their wisdom and value that is UBUNTU.    


Oh God of Mercy and Compassion! Hear our prayer.


June 4th marks the 32nd anniversary of the student-led democratic movement in China in 1989. We remember, Lord, the victims and pray for their families and loved ones. We also pray for a free and democratic China that the government puts people's aspiration and interest as priority. We lift up to you, Oh Lord, those who have sacrificed their lives in pursuit of the common good and justice in China as well as in Hong Kong.


We continue to hear that people’s struggle, particularly that of young people, for democracy, human rights and social justice is continuing, amid huge threats and fears, in Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines in Asia as well as many other parts of the globe. We appeal to you, Oh God of Justice, to protect them from the oppressions and unlawful treatment of their dignity by the illegitimate powers. We pray for your healing and intervention in their struggle.     


Oh God of Mercy and Compassion! Hear our prayer.


For the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we lift up in prayer today the churches and people of all faiths in Angola and Mozambique.


We are thankful for the rich natural resources in these countries, which God intends for the good of all; the positive developments experienced since years of civil war; village committees that seek to protect livelihoods and food security of the poor; how the Lutheran World Federation and partners have pursued land rights for the community in Mozambique.


We pray for better sanitation, health services, and protection of the environment in these lands; a healing of the lingering scars and memories from colonization and civil wars; protection of the land rights of the people; governments that are transparent and further the good of all the people, rather than being captive to foreign and business interests.


Oh God of Mercy and Compassion! Hear our prayer.


For the Congregation, we thank you for the completion of AGM on 16 May. We are thankful to the outgoing treasurer Jennifer Chan and council member Norma Diaz for their dedicated service in the past years.

We pray for the new Council members and office-bearers to be equipped with your wisdom and servanthood in the coming year to serve God and the church as your faithful stewards.


Finally, we pray for KUC and its whole congregation, particularly those who are sick and ill, in distress and agony, and staying far away from us. Bless us so that we are all united with a strong sense of mission amid many challenges ahead of us.    


Now, I would like to invite you to pray together “The Lord’s Prayer” in your own tongue.


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.


Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.


Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen.

09 May 2021

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday 9 May 2021 
Sixth Sunday of Easter 
Prepared by Sunita Suna

For the World and Hong Kong
Healing God, 
We come to you as we witness enormous sufferings and deaths due to the global pandemic of COVID-19 across the world. We pray for the people of India as the country has a catastrophic impact by the 2nd wave of  COVID-19. People call it the COVID “Tsunami”. Reportedly, every day more than 400,000 people are getting infected and more than 3000 death! The country is mourning the loss of people, doctors, teachers, pastors, professional to COVID. The situation is a grave concern as the virus fast spreading in the country, including villages, making lives vulnerable due to lack of health care facilities and support system. We pray that the bereaved families be comforted. We pray for those who are struggling to survive in the hospitals; we pray for the front line workers in the hospital to  be protected and receive all equipment to provide proper treatment to the patients.  May God grant wisdom and empathy to the government and the international community to solve the massive global pandemic crisis. We pray for the global leaders to implement a just and equitable system of distributions of vaccines to save lives across nations, regions, communities. As we know, no one is safe until all are safe. Healing God, we seek your intervention to heal the people, heal the nations.
God in your mercy, Hear our prayers.

Creator God,
We pray for the people of Hong Kong as the city has detected new variant cases and have come up with policies to curb the spread of the virus. Over 300,000 foreign domestic workers are asked for the mandatory Covid tests and vaccination to extend their employment contract. The community decry mandatory tests and vaccination, is singling out a specific community. We pray that the rules, policies, protocols of COVID in HK be fair to all and not discriminatory to a particular section of people. May the government work closely with the stakeholders with openness and respect when developing policies related to different communities. As a faith community, Creator God help us to spread the message that we all are created in the image and likeness of God.
God in your mercy, Hear our prayers.

Just Peace God
We pray for the people of Myanmar, as they have been suffering under the military junta for months. Hundreds of people are being killed during peaceful protests. May the global institutions like the UN Security Council take fair decisions to protect people's lives in the country. We continue to uphold the families who lost their loved ones and seek the release of hundreds of students, youth,  activists, journalists, civil servants, political leaders. God of Just peace , lead us and guide us to be instruments in restoring God’s peace in the country. 

We continue to remember the people in Hong Kong who are jailed last year for participating in an "unauthorised" vigil to commemorate the 1989 crackdown in Tiananmen Square. Pray for the persecuted, may justice and civil rights for peaceful assembly be preserved.
God in your mercy, Hear our prayers.

For the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
Today, we lift in prayer the churches and people of all faiths in 
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

We are thankful for the diversity in these countries: their cultures, values and spirituality; for the resilience of minority religious groups and those on the margins of society such as indigenous communities, Dalits, women, youth, the disabled and sexual minorities - amid discrimination and persecution; for the contributions of Christians and Christian churches in these countries to education and health services;  efforts to forge inter-religious solidarity for the sake of the common good.

We pray for those who struggle to overcome abject poverty; Christians and others who tirelessly work in the community, their efforts at ensuring the rights of all citizens, and their collaborative work; efforts to build understanding and harmony among peoples across religious, caste and ethnic identities; peoples' movements struggling for the rights of women, Dalits, Indigenous peoples, and the integrity of the earth; leaders to keep the priority on the wellbeing of the people and the earth itself amid demands for economic growth.
God in your mercy, Hear our prayers.

Compassionate God, we pray for the Congregation 
We remember members and friends who are facing health and life challenges. Pray for the healing and recovery of our sister Constance. 

We pray for the people who are Preparing classes for baptism and especially remember  June, Louis and Caden in our prayers who have registered for the course. May the process be meaningful and reflective for them. 
We Pray for the church leaders; may God bless them, give them the much-needed strength, wisdom and solidarity as they dedicate their lives for the service of God’s ministry. 
God in your mercy, Hear our prayers.

Loving God, let your love surround us and cast out any fear or doubts. Help us live in love with you,  accept your will for our lives, and give us the proper response to your revelation. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

02 May 2021

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday 2 May 2021 
Fifth Sunday of Easter - Labour Day
Prepared by Victoria Caplan 

In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ, let us pray to the Father. As we pray, after I say “Lord in your mercy, please respond, “Hear our prayer.” 

In honor of yesterday’s Workers’s Day Holiday, many of our prayers will be focused on labor today. 

Sweet God of Justice and Peace
We remember all who in the past have worked for justice for laborers: their struggles and victories. Yet workers still suffer exploitation all over the world including our Hong Kong. May the labor movement continue to protect the rights of workers to ensure their fair share. We also pray for younger Hong Kong people, who suffer from high levels of unemployment. 
Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer 

Dear God of the Sabbath rest 
You gave humanity work to do, but also sanctified our rest. Yet in our world, inhumane systems force peoples to work long hours every day, with workloads often beyond their physical and mental capacity. The Covid19 pandemic has made things worse for many, adding the risks of infection and disease to heavy burdens. 

Guide our city to honor all people’s work and to provide all workers good wages and legal protection to sustain physical and mental health. May all workers have enough time on a daily and weekly basis to refresh their bodies, minds, and souls. 

Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer 

Powerful God of deliverance 
You heard the cries of the Israelites and led them out of Egypt and Babylon. Today, we are trapped in many different types of bondage: unemployment, poverty, long work hours, dangerous work, and political oppression. 

Deliver us. 

Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer 

Triune God, who we meet in community, 
We thank you for our Kowloon Union Church family and the Christian community in Hong Kong and throughout the world. You called us as your disciples to share and serve each other. Thank you for giving us this chance to bear others’ burdens and to celebrate together.

May we work in solidarity with labor groups and others dedicated to social justice to create communities that are fair, democratic and compassionate. Grant us faith and courage to persist, so we, or future generations will achieve it. 

Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer

 In the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, today we remember and pray for the churches and people of all faiths in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. May your peace, which passes all understanding fill them. 

Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer 

God of Healing and Compassion 
We pray for the people of India as the country has seen terrifying surgein Covid-19 cases. Hospitals have been overwhelmed and people turned away for lack of space & facilities. May the Indian government take good and swift action to bring the pandemic under control; lead the international community to help provide needed supplies. 

Throughout the world your children cry out in distress caused by many kinds of illness. As we name them in our hearts, we pray: 
Heal the sick and give strength to their caregivers. 

Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer 

Incarnate God, companion of all who suffer
Look after people in danger, sorrow, or any kind of trouble: the lonely, the addicted, the grieving, the homeless, the imprisoned, and people who feel displaced in life. Strengthen all of them in their hour of need. Give them courage and hope in their troubles; relieve and protect them, and bring them the joy of your salvation. 

Lord, in your mercy 
hear our prayer 

Rejoicing in the fellowship of all your saints, we commend ourselves and the whole creation to your unfailing love. Amen.