
Prayers for the people

26 February 2023

Prayer of Intercession

26 February 2023

Prepared by Gabi Baumgartner

First Sunday in Lent

God of mercy, we come before you with humble heart – knowing our weaknesses, our

shortcomings, and our dark sides – and equally knowing that you are a forgiving and a caring


We bring before you the pain of the world and ask you for healing.



God of mercy, today we bring before you the suffering of millions of people in the Ukraine who have been affected by a vicious attack against their land. We remember the pain of those who have lost their loved ones, the pain of those who have been wounded, the pain of those who had to leave their home and find refuge. We equally remember the thousands of soldiers who are sent into the war against their own will. And we ask you Lord, have mercy and heal this wounded land.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. 



God of mercy, we bring before you the millions in Turkey and Syria who have been affected by a severe earthquake. We remember those who have lost their life and those who are mourning for their loved ones. We pray for those who try to rebuild their lives under difficult

circumstances. We particularly remember victims of the earthquake in Syria who have had little access to help. And we ask you Lord, have mercy and heal the broken-hearted.


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers. 



God of mercy, we bring before you the people of Kurdistan and Baluchistan, in present-day

Iran, who pray for freedom from decades of oppression. We pray for the women in Iran who

are standing up against a government whose rule is based on policies directed against women.

We ask you to empower our Muslim sisters in Iran and set them free, as you have set the

Israelites free from slavery in Egypt. We ask you Lord, have mercy and heal the oppressed.


Lord in your mercy hear our prayers. 



God of mercy, we bring before you the people of Myanmar who are attacked by their own

rulers. We remember Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims in Myanmar, who are united in

defending their basic rights. We ask you, use these people of faith as peacemakers and

strengthen them to resist evil.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. 



God of mercy, we bring before you the prisoners who have been standing trial for exercising

their rights in our city in the past weeks. We remember their pain as they do not know what lies before them. We remember their families whose loved ones have been taken away from them.

We ask you, Lord of mercy, to move the hearts of those in power, move the hearts of the

judges, give them the courage to do what is just, and set the prisoners free, as Jesus announced in his first message to the people. Lord, give healing to this city.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. 



From our KUC family, we bring before you all who are sick, suffer loss or experience any kind of distress. We remember our dear sister Lucy in hospital. Wrap her in your warmth and comfort. 

We pray for those struggling in their relationship with others, those needing more peace in their homes and hearts. Lord, send your healing power to all in need.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers. 



In the ecumenical prayer cycle, we pray for the churches and people of Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands. We pray that they continue to overcome barriers and that greater tolerance will be fostered in these countries and in whole of the world.



God, you hear our prayers and respond to them in your way. We trust in your loving presence in our midst – we pray so in the name of Christ Jesus, 

And conclude together in the Lord’s Prayer. 

Please say it in the language closest to you:



Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be your name,


Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven 


Give us today our daily bread,

forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. 


Save us from the time of trial but deliver us from evil. 


For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and for ever. 



19 February 2023

Prayer of Intercession

19 February 2023

Prepared by Peter Youngblood 

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany

Let us pray now, together as a people of God, and on behalf of all other people.


Gracious and loving Creator, we call out to you now united in hope, but also in grief. We pray for a world that continues to groan under the weight of so much. We pray for a warming planet and ecosystems near collapse. We pray for your creatures, great and small, all suffering due to our overconsumption, exploitation, and neglect. 


We were created in your image, loving God, yet we’ve fallen so short of it. We continue not to see you in our fellow human beings, instead breaking your commandment to “love thy neighbor.” And because of this, your people suffer. 


As we approach the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we pray not just for the war’s end, but also for justice. Without justice, there can be no lasting peace. We lift up the people of Ukraine, and we also lift up those in Russia who dare speak out against the war—and face persecution for it.


We pray also for people suffering due to ethnic and religious conflict. As the Israeli government moves further right, it treats Palestinians as second-class citizens, taking away their rights and property. Ethiopia continues to see flashes of violence against civilians, including sexual assaults on women. 


Loving God, why do your people continue to commit such injustice in the name of their tribe or their religion? Let us not forget the lessons of the last Great War, when nationalism and racism led countries to ruin. In that spirit, we lift up the people of all faiths in France, Germany, and Monaco this week. European nations have shown us that peace and reconciliation is possible when guided by love and reason. 


Oh Lord, please let your light illuminate us as one people, that we may see our divisions as what they are: insignificant in the face of your glory. Let us open our hearts to your love and hospitality, welcoming our neighbor rather than fearing them. 


In your love, we lift up those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. So many have been lost and hope is fading for those who may still be found. We pray for the victims’ families and those who continue to suffer from the devastation. Our hearts are gladdened by the news that some humanitarian aid has finally reached closed parts of northern Syria. But this is not nearly enough. We ask that you soften the hearts of those who would block aid to settle political scores.


As always, God, we pray for our city. We are thankful that the worst of the pandemic has passed, but we remember those we lost to Covid. And we pray for those who still bear the physical, emotional, and economic scars of infection and lockdown.


But let not our return to businesses to as usual lead us to forget those languishing in prison and legal limbo. They are there just for trying to exercise their political rights, and doing so on our behalf! These brave souls continue to speak truth to power.


And, of course, we pray for our congregation. We pray especially for those sick, homebound, and otherwise suffering. We remember our sister, Lucy Lim, who is recovering from her intensive treatment. We ask that you continue to be with her, strengthening her spirit so that her physical strength may be restored, and so we can see her in church again. We also remember those caring for loved ones at home and in care facilities.


Oh Lord, there are hardships, but there are also joys! Today Paul and Amy Wong will celebrate the marriage of their daughter. We lift up the young couple, Christine and Martin, and their families.


God, let your light shine upon us as it did Moses and Joshua. As it did through our Savior Jesus Christ to James and John. Let us be guided by your commandments, that we may see days of peace and not war, days of joy and not suffering.


It is through your Son Jesus Christ that your glory shines the brightest. Touched by your light, reflected through him. we now pray together, the prayer that he taught us: 

12 February 2023

Prayer of Intercession

12 February 2023

Prepared by Kenneth Ku 

Sixth Sunday after The Epiphany

Our Heavenly Lord, give us an experience of your heart. Draw us into your love for ourselves, others, and the world. Guide us to discern, teach us to act, and help us to live out our faith in you, with all our heart and with all our minds. Let us pray to the Lord, saying:

Lord, in your mercy. 

Hear our prayer.

We pray for the people of Turkey and Syria, devastated by the recent earthquakes and aftershocks in such freezing time. Furthermore, we pray that despite the instability at the border of Turkey and Syria, aid can reach those most in need. Especially many victims are Syrian refugees who fled their homeland due to civil war.

We pray for lasting peace and recovery for Syrians who have suffered more than a decade of conflict.

Lord, in your mercy. 

Hear our prayer.


Lord of our city, the largest national security trial started on Monday. Forty-seven pro-democracy figures face subversion charges. Most of them have been detained for nearly two years, and they are facing a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted. Lord Jesus, you know what it is to be held captive. Remind us that you are the light of the world. May you meet them in their despair and difficulties. 

We pray, Lord, that You will right all the wrongs that are taking place in our society and vindicate those that are being treated unjustly. We pray for Claudia Mo, one of the detainees. It is reported that her husband is now in a critical situation in the hospital. May you comfort her and her family. 

Lord, in your mercy. 

Hear our prayer.

Loving God, guide us in our outreach to the disadvantaged. Give us an awareness of the needs in our communities, especially for all who are lonely or afraid, youth who do not see their futures, elderly in nursing homes, prisoners with no one to visit them, sexual minorities who are struggling with their rights, and all whom the society has forgotten.  Direct us to respond to your call in the ways you want us to invest our time, talent and money.

Lord in your mercy 

         Hear our prayer


Healing God we remember at this time those who are struggling with health issues we silently bring to you those named in our bulletin and those for whom we pray in our hearts.

(Moment of silence)

In the name of Jesus, we offer these our prayers. Amen 


With one voice, we offer to you the prayer that you have given to us, and this we pray in our own native tongue. English then Cantonese