
Prayers for the people

22 November 2011

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 20 November, 2011
Gabi Baumgartner

Lord, thank you for bringing us together here in this church.

We come here today to praise you, to feel your presence and your call - and we also come here to unite and pray for those who need you most:

God, we pray for your presence
in the heart of the leaders of this world, may your love for all soften the hearts of those who promised to lead, may your priorities guide them when they set their priorities as leaders, may they never forget that you are there with them.

God, we pray for wisdom
for those who find themselves in impossible situations, such as nations in the EU, countries in Africa or people in countries riddled with riots, as well as those who suffer under dictatorship, inspire your people and show them their way to freedom.

God, we pray for perseverance and patience
for those who have been courageous enough to stand up and address the greed, especially the greed for money and more money. Give them the spark they need to show that life is about giving, not taking.

God, we pray for confidence
for those who believe they have no voice, no chance and no luck in live, show them that they are not alone and make them believe that they too have a voice, a chance and luck in live.

God, we ask for security
to all children, especially children, who feel weak and vulnerable.

God, we pray for healing
to those who are ill or insured. Give them the energy they need to recover.

God, as part of the ecumenical prayer cycle we pray for the African states of Mali, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauretania. Make these people strong and give them the water and the food they need.

In our congregation we ask for your holy spirit to nurture and guide us so that we in turn can go ahead and be a true support to each other.
We pray for all those here in this congregation who prepare themselves to serve in different ministries, bless and enthuse them for the benefit of all.
We pray for all those here in this congregation who need your love and healing hand: Doris, Bernard, Daniel, Mr and Mrs Bishop Samuel, … please complete the list in your hearts (pause).

Last but not least we pray for happiness: God, lift the hearts of everyone, take away burdens and sadness and give us a taste of the happiness we can feel through you and with you.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

14 November 2011

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 13 November, 2011

Ramon Bultron

Let us prepare ourselves for the prayer of the people.

In the name of God, our Creator, Redeemer and Liberator, O God as we come to you to pray, grant us a clean and humble heart so that our prayers will be acceptable to you.

As we say our prayer for your Church and in Hong Kong ….

We pray for every members of your church who are sick. Touch them O’ God with your healing hands so that they will recover soon and continue with their service to you and to the community.

We pray to thank you for your continued blessings to those who recently celebrated their birthdays like Sam Rodriguez and other members and friends of KUC.

For the project and ministry of KUC specifically the renovation of No. 2 Jordan Road, let this project be a continuation of Jesus Christ ministry to the poor, deprived and marginalized people.

For the KUC EGM to be held after our worship service, we pray that this meeting manifests your will in this church specifically as we talk about the annual budget for 2012. Teach us O God to use the church resources based on our capacity and faithfulness to Christ ministries of sharing the Good News of empowering the marginalized, in providing shelter, food and other needs to the poor and disadvantaged.

For the family, sons and daughters of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, we pray for their safety, understanding and love for their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who are forced to work abroad in order to survive.

We pray for the newly elected district council members of Hong Kong, may they genuinely serve the interest of their constituents and that they continue to have the will to follow what is just, democratic and humane for their people.

As we pray for the larger community…

We pray for the poor, the deprived and the marginalized people of the world-the homeless, the sick, and the hungry…

As Christians you treated us as responsible human being and you are challenging us to stand in solidarity and journey with these people towards the fulfilment of Jesus Christ’s promised of abundant life.

We bring to you O God, the people in Thailand, especially those who have been seriously affected by the recent floods. Let the government of Thailand immediately address the needs of the affected people so that their livelihood and homes will be rehabilitated.

We pray for the victims of the recent earthquake in Turkey. May you bless the victims especially those who lost their love ones, their livelihood and homes, so they can find hope and strength amidst their sufferings.

We pray for the victims of human rights violations, extra judicial killings, forced disappearances, illegal arrest and detention of human rights defenders in the Philippines, Colombia and other parts of the world including China. Bless them O’ God so they will find peace in their heart while those who govern the nations of the world use their authority with wisdom, kindness and peacefulness.

We continue to pray for the protection and respect for the rights of undocumented migrants who are currently experiencing massive arrest, detention and deportation in South Korea, Malaysia and countries particularly those who are members of the European Union. May your love and blessings reign upon them so they will continue to have the strength and courage to face such difficulties.

As we pray for ecumenical relations…

In the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for the people and churches of Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea.

Keep us in the bonds of love with all the angels and saints throughout the ages. In your love and compassion, hear the prayers of your people. Enliven us, by your Spirit, to live into the fullness of your reign. We pray through Jesus Christ, our life and our hope.

As we conclude our prayer of the people, let us all say the Lord’s Prayer in our own language:

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours.
Now and forever. Amen.