
Prayers for the people

23 December 2018

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 23 December, 2018
Prepared and led by Hope S. Antone

Let us pray for the world, the church, for one another, and for the sake of all people.

Gracious God, our hearts are filled with the joyous expectation of Christmas! Yet, like the first Christmas, we are also filled with a deep yearning for your peace and justice, mercy and righteousness, to shine on our broken world and heal our divisions. Let us know that your love shines to bless, heal, redeem and save. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving God, fill the church with your Holy Spirit that through her witness, the self-offering of Christ Jesus may reach those who hunger for redemption. Grant that through words of good news and deeds of compassion, we may cause many hearts to leap with joy at the experience of Christ’s love. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Living God, restore your world. Bring down the haughty and selfish from places of power. Bring up leaders who will govern with integrity and justice, and rejoice in doing your will. Shield those who work on behalf of your people. Fill our hearts with humility and compassion that the poor and hungry may be filled with good things. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Merciful God, we pray for those facing persecution – including the pastors and churches in China; the Uyghurs and Muslims, those from other ethnic minorities detained in re-education camps in Xinjiang. We pray for freedom of religion in China and elsewhere. May people of different religious beliefs be protected and respected, their human rights and human dignity upheld. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Liberating God, we pray for more equal and just sharing of power and wealth in Hong Kong. May the principle of “one country, two systems” prevail. May the rule of law and check-and-balance system prevent the abuse of power and promotion of self-interest. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Healing God, restore all who are afflicted by pain, grief, fear or despair. We pray for our loved ones and friends near and far – including Rev. Kwok Nai Wang, Pearl Wong’s mother, Pastor Phyllis Wong, and others whose names we hold in our hearts and minds… May your healing touch be present among those who care for them. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Creator God, we remember the victims of calamities and disasters – like the tsunami that hit Sunda Strait in Indonesia recently. May the deceased rest in peace, the injured healed, and those who lost their loved ones be comforted. As the weather turns colder, we pray that the poor, the sick, and the elderly may feel the warmth of your love through provisions of enough clothing, proper shelter and the caring acts of people. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of all the nations, today we pray for the people and churches of Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. May talks on the reunification of North and South Korea continue to bear fruit. May there be greater understanding and cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China. May the church in Japan continue to promote reconciliation with others in Asia. May the leaders of these nations listen to the cry of vulnerable groups, including the sexual minorities, for recognition, respect and human rights. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.  

Almighty God, may our journey through Advent lead to a Christ-filled Christmas, freed from materialism and commercialism, and faithful to the real reason for the season. We pray in the name of Christ Jesus, who taught his disciples to pray, saying –
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

16 December 2018

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 16 December, 2018
Prepared and led by Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro

O God, father and mother of us all, we come to you at this moment to bring before you our concerns and intercessions:

We pray for the world, especially the smaller and poorer nations that face the threat of climate change and extinction of life; we pray for the rich countries and companies to commit to meet the “safer cap of 1.50 C warming,” and help us truly prepare for the worst effects of climate change.

We pray that injustices, oppression, hatred, conflict and violence to stop for they bring inconceivable sufferings –
to the peoples of the Rakhine, Kachin and Shan states of Myanmar;
to the Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines and all over the world,
to the victims of killings, and of rapes in many places in this world.
We pray for peace and stability in France; for comfort to the families of those killed in Strasbourg Christmas market; for the families of those who died due to a train accident in Turkey.

We pray for places where hunger and poverty, illness and death have made unbearable burden for the people.

We pray for countries in Asia that are beleaguered by disputes over maritime boundaries like Singapore and Malaysia, and for the leaders of China and Philippines to respect the UN’s arbitral tribunal ruling on the case of the West Philippine Sea.

We pray that the trade war between China and the U.S. will stop, and not drag small countries into the fray.

We pray for those who are engaged in drug dealing and trafficking to come to their senses, and be concerned for the lives of people that they destroy.

We pray for the Philippines and other countries where leaders dwell in lies and in opulence acquired by wanton corruption and impunity, for they have challenged your will for truth, justice, and equality.

We pray for the citizens and leaders of Asian countries that are already preparing for the elections of leaders in different levels next year – India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, and even in Hong Kong. May the principle of “once country, two systems” be truly respected. May these countries also put leaders who live out the meaning of integrity.

We pray for the states and leaders to respect the rights of peoples, of the earth and non-human citizens of this planet. We pray for the persecuted Christians and Muslims in China, and elsewhere.

We also pray for those who spend their lives in peacebuilding efforts;
for the gains of the peace endeavours in the Korean Peninsula to be durable and lasting;
for the peace processes in other parts of the world to succeed;
for the peace talks in the Philippines to resume.
We pray for Kowloon Union Church, that it may be consistent to its mission as God’s people;
for the members to be the light wherever they are;
for Pearl’s mother to have a fast recovery from her surgery, and for Pearl to find the strength as a caregiver to her aging mother;
for the new-born babies to grow healthy in body, spirit and wisdom.
for Raghnild’s safe travel to her home in Norway, that you O God will accompany her in   her study and life’s journey.  We pray that you will bless her country as it commits to help in the peace processes of countries around the world, including the Philippines.

God of love, and grace, hear our prayer.

Give us your light, give us your peace, and as we celebrate Advent and Christmas, teach us to pray mindfully the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples and us, saying:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come;
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil;
For yours is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory forever. Amen.

09 December 2018

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 9 Decenber, 2018
Prepared and led by Ragnhild Hungnes

Dear God, we thank you for our safe arrival to Kowloon Union Church today and for the opportunity to worship together. We pray for everyone here and for the rest of the congregation who are not here.

‪December 10th is International Human Rights Day. We pray for all who have had their rights violated and for you to strengthen human rights activists and keep their faith strong. We pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us on the path of love so that we will be inspired to treat all human beings well.

In Hong Kong, we pray for the rule of law, freedom of the press and a more equal share of political power and wealth among the people. We also pray for the nine activists who participated as leaders in the Occupy Movement who are currently fighting their cause in court. May the people in our city keep hope alive to strive for a better life and community.

We pray for the worldfor human rights in Burundi, the relationship between China and the United States, for peace and stability in France and for the search for the missing U.S. marines in Japan after their ship was involved in an accident.

This week we especially pray for the people and churches of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Many people bear physical and emotional scars from years of conflict in these countries. May the victims of monsoons and other disasters in the region recover and enjoy economic development and political stability.

For the congregation, we pray for those of usfriends and familywho are facing health challenges. Dear Heavenly Mother, help them recover. We also pray for those who are grieving for the loss of their loved ones.

Today we warmly welcome Cynthia Leung and Pauline Loh who have joined KUC’s family by baptism. We pray for their growth in the love and faith of Christ. We also pray for the growth of the newborn babies—Wesley, Joseph Jr., Angelina Elsa Bethany, Bethel, Bernice, Pearl and Pascal and for those who are preparing for baptism.

Loving Father, help us remain a warm and welcoming congregation where “all are one” in you. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

02 December 2018

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 2 December, 2018
Prepared and led by Emelia Pobee

Heavenly father, we thank you for yet another Sunday. We are grateful for your mercies in our lives and we thank you for our friends and family.

As we have gathered here today, we entrust the world into your care. We commit those living with HIV Aids who continue to face social prejudice into your hands as World Aids days was commemorated on December 1.

We also pray for academics in the field of genetics following gene editing by Dr. He. We pray that the advancement of scientific studies is carefully examined and monitored with particular attention to ethical issues.

We pray for desperate immigrants who in their quest to get to the US border have been tear gassed by US agents. We pray that their quest for a safe home as they flee humanitarian crises in their home countries will be preserved as well as their human rights.

We remember the people of the Philippines who live in fear following various human rights abuses associated with the “war on drugs” by their government. We pray that you strengthen and guide the hard-working organizations in the country, which stand up for the rights of civilians even at their own peril.

On the 10th anniversary of a terror attack in Mumbia, India where 166 people were killed, and hundreds more were hurt, we stand together with the victims of the meaningless attack and condemn killings in the name of God.

In Hong Kong, we pray for the nine activists who were involved in the Occupy Movement towards the fight for universal suffrage as they stand trial. We pray that God’s justice prevails, and God’s peace is with those who sacrificed to build up Hong Kong with democracy and justice.

We pray for the people who died in a fatal traffic accident in on Friday morning. We also commit the injured and those who have lost their loved ones into your care O Lord.

For our Congregation, we remember babies who are preparing for baptism in January. We continue to pray for the growth of: Wesley, Joseph Jr, Angelina Elsa Bethany, Bethel, Bernice, Pearl, and Pascal.

We pray for Pauline Loh and Cynthia Leung who also be baptized in the church next week.

We also remember friends who are facing health challenges and pray for their recovery.

In our Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for the ethnic minority and religious groups in Myanmar and Thailand, who continue to experience discrimination, persecution or even genocide (like the Rohingyas). We also pray for the victims of sex tourism.

This we pray through your son Jesus Christ. Amen.