Prayer of Intercession
Sunday, 12 May, 2019
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Prepared and led by Hope S. Antone
Let us unite our hearts and minds to
pray on behalf of the world, the church, and one another. I will end each
petition with “God, in your mercy,”
then you may join in saying, “hear our prayer”.
Creator God, thank you for the
beautiful world that provides for our needs to sustain our life. We pray for
those most affected by climate change, by disasters and the outbreak of
diseases; and those affected by wars and weapons of destruction. Teach us to be
better stewards of this world through responsible and sustainable use of the
earth’s resources and through actions for peace. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Alighty God, you sent Christ Jesus to
show us your way of gentleness and mercy. May the leaders of all nations,
starting with those at home, govern with justice and compassion. Teach them to
seek the welfare of their people, especially the needy and vulnerable, above
power, wealth, fame, and re-election. God,
in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Liberating God, you sent prophets to show us your
will for justice and righteousness. We remember those who have committed their
lives in the cause of justice and human dignity. We pray for Liu Xia and other
human rights activists in China; the newly freed journalists in Myanmar; and
the many others whose voices of dissent are suppressed. We pray for government
officials, leaders and legislators in Hong Kong – that they will take to heart
the concerns of the people for justice and liberty. May those who risk their
lives on behalf of others be supported and protected. God, in
your mercy: hear our prayer.
Faithful God, we pray for all those in the church
communities, men and women, ordained and lay, who have been called to the role
of shepherds. May they follow closely the example of Christ and bear witness to
his goodness, by caring for the lost, the least and the last. We pray for
Kowloon Union Church as it prepares for the Annual General Meeting next Sunday;
and for its various ministries that they may truly serve your people. God, in
your mercy: hear our prayer.
Loving God, thank you for mothers,
foster mothers, and for all who care and love with a mother’s heart. May their
lives be filled with wisdom, goodness, and endurance. Be their comfort,
strength and shield when their burdens seem too heavy and overwhelming. May
they find relief to their troubles and claim the life in fullness that you will
for them. God, in your mercy: hear our
Healing God, we pray for all the sick,
lonely or confused; the hurting or despairing; and all who cry out for your
mercy. Grant your healing mercies upon Lucy Lim, Ramon Bultron, Jenny Alegre,
and others whose names we keep in our hearts. Restore them to wholeness and
strengthen those who care for them. God,
in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we remember the people and churches of Bangladesh, Bhutan
and Nepal. Thank you for the blessings of beautiful natural resources, diverse cultures, languages,
and arts, and their gift of resilience in the face of adversity. We pray for those who lost
families and homes due to earthquakes and other disasters. Grant them strength
and perseverance as they struggle to rebuild their lives. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Merciful God, may we, who claim to be Christ’s
disciples, abide with him that we may strive to bring peace, care
and gentleness that the Good Shepherd wills for the whole world. Together we
say the prayer that he taught his disciples, saying –
Our Father in
heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth
as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive
those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.