Prayer of Intercession
We come to you bringing our prayers for others and ourselves.
Lord, we see you, kneeling at our feet,
showing us how to serve and be served.
Help us, Lord, to be a servant for you and others.
Lord, we see
you, touching the unclean,
showing us how to heal and be healed.
Help us, Lord, to be healers.
we see you, hanging out with outcasts,
showing us how to be in community.
Help us, Lord, to live as community
So may we follow your example,
seeing the need in our world
and being first in line to step up and make a difference.
Help us, Lord, step up for you.
May we also
recognise our own limitations
and make room for those who are differently-abled and differently gifted, knowing that in the economy of your kingdom, no gift is wasted, no talent rejected.
Help us, Lord, to accept and understand.
when we despair at the state of our world,
may our despair compel us to join you in the work
of peace and justice for all, beginning wherever we are,
following your lead.
We remember those lands that have been hit by natural and human made disasters, may God’s comfort strengthen those who have lost loved ones and their livelihood. Lord, bless those who continue to take to the needy supplies and that most important message of hope and love.
pray your hand of blessing and protection be upon those who call out for
justice and strive for democracy. Those who have given their lives exposing the
injustice of governments and ‘systems’
We pray this
day for all those throughout the world who have contacted Covid19. Today and in
many other countries, numbers have increased of confirmed cases. As this
pandemic continues throughout the world resources dwindle and the most
vulnerable are again the most deeply affected.
remember the families who lost loved ones in the tenement building in our
neighbourhood – may those who have died rest in peace, their families be
comforted and the community strengthened at this time of great sorrow.
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Prepared by Maggie Mathieson adapted from Spill the Beans
Led by Lydia Catedral and Tong Chong Sze
We come to you bringing our prayers for others and ourselves.
Lord, we see you, kneeling at our feet,
showing us how to serve and be served.
Help us, Lord, to be a servant for you and others.
showing us how to heal and be healed.
Help us, Lord, to be healers.
showing us how to be in community.
Help us, Lord, to live as community
So may we follow your example,
seeing the need in our world
and being first in line to step up and make a difference.
Help us, Lord, step up for you.
and make room for those who are differently-abled and differently gifted, knowing that in the economy of your kingdom, no gift is wasted, no talent rejected.
Help us, Lord, to accept and understand.
may our despair compel us to join you in the work
of peace and justice for all, beginning wherever we are,
following your lead.
We remember those lands that have been hit by natural and human made disasters, may God’s comfort strengthen those who have lost loved ones and their livelihood. Lord, bless those who continue to take to the needy supplies and that most important message of hope and love.
Lord may we know your healing, in our lives,
in the life of our community, in the life of the world.
May we live so conscious of your presence in all
that we cannot turn our back or withhold your love from
another, but know fulfilment only when we have given our all to serve you by
serving our neighbour.
So God, one radical act of kindness at a time, may your
kingdom come, on earth as in heaven.
And so with one voice and in one accord we share the words given to us by Christ as we pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and forever. Amen.