
Prayers for the people

18 July 2021

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday 18 July 2021 
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 
Prepared by Tory Caplan

In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ, let us pray to the Father. As we pray, after I say “Lord in your mercy, please respond, “Hear our prayer.”

Almighty Creator God
You gave us a beautiful planet with enough to satisfy the needs of every living creature. But through greed and unjust systems, we abuse it and each other. Throughout the world we see disasters: drought and wildfires, storms and floods. Help those in risk or those suffering from the aftermath. As a good shepherd, lead your people to use your gifts fairly and carefully.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

God of Justice and Peace
We pray for the many places in this world where there is civil unrest, war, or fear of war: in South Africa, Haiti, Cuba,Syria, and other places. Direct these communities and every nation, in the ways of justice and of peace; that we may honor one another, and seek the common good

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

God of Travelers, Visitors and hosts
As Jesus you too became a refugee; look with mercy on those who today are fleeing from danger, and then languish in camps and jails. We especially remember those in north eastern Syria and those fleeing to the EU. Bless them and those who work to help them. Guide all people and nations to welcome and host everyone in need with generosity and compassion.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

God, Our Good Shepherd
Many of us, your children are lost or trapped in many different types of bondage: unemployment, poverty, long work
hours, dangerous work, and political oppression. Lead us and help us build your kingdom where goodness, justice,
and mercy reign.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

God of Healing and Compassion
We pray for people across the world who continue to suffer from Covid19 from the disease and from the poverty, hunger, debt, and disability caused by it and the lockdowns and quarantines. Give governments, policy makers, and
members of civil society the will and the ability to take good and swift action help all those affected.
Throughout the world your children cry out in distress caused by many other kinds of illness too. As we name them in our hearts, we pray: Heal the sick and give strength to their caregivers.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

Incarnate God, companion of all who suffer:
Look after people in danger, sorrow, or any kind of trouble: the lonely, the addicted, the grieving, the homeless, the imprisoned, and people who feel displaced in life. Strengthen them in their hours of need. Give them courage and hope in their troubles; relieve and protect them, and bring the the joy of your salvation.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

Triune God, who we meet in community,
Thank you for our Kowloon Union Church family, the Christian community in Hong Kong and throughout the world.

Thank you for calling us as your disciples to share with and serve each other.
Thank you for the faithful witness of Bruce Van Voorhis and Rose Wu who have decided to move to the USA after many years in Hong Kong and at KUC.

In particular we pray for your healing hand to rest on:
 the mother of Sameth in Cambodia,
 Asha Melwani the mother of Alex,
 Mrs Samuel.
 Doris and her sister Jeanette Lee,
 Rachel Tan niece of Lucy Lim
 Rachel Perry the niece of Tory Caplan
 Mirasol Bolanos sister of Anjanette.
 Our dear sister Jenny Alegre who remains in Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

For the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
 We lift up in prayer today the churches and people of all faiths in Djibouti and Somalia.
 Thank you for the gorgeous variety of your creation in the earth and peoples there
 Foster stable governance, justice, peace and prosperity in both lands.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer

Rejoicing in the fellowship of all your saints, we commend ourselves and the whole creation to your unfailing love.

11 July 2021

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday 11 July 2021 
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 
Prepared by Hope Antone 

Let us pray for the world, the church, those around us, and those in need. After each petition I will say, “God in your mercy” and you may join in saying, “hear our prayer.” 


Creator God, we pray for the world which you entrusted to us to tend and sustain our life. We remember those who lost their lives due to natural and human-made disasters. Enable us to join those who strive to be stewards of your creation – through practices of conservation, acts to reduce consumption, reuse and recycle resources for the sake of your creation and the future generations. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Eternal God, we remember the life and witness of John the Baptist who spoke truth to power. We pray for those facing danger, threat, and persecution for their stand for freedom, justice and democracy; and for those engaged in mission and service beyond borders. Strengthen them in their pursuit of peace in this troubled world. Enable us to participate in our own ways, knowing what it means to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Sovereign God, we pray for leaders of governments, those in authority to make decisions on behalf of their peoples. May leaders of conscience arise to demonstrate ways to solve greed and corruption, address poverty and inequality, and serve with wisdom, integrity and humility. During this lingering pandemic, we pray for leaders to work together, sharing resources like vaccines, in order to solve this common problem. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer  

Almighty God, we pray for those who long to be free – those seeking asylum and refuge; the victims of socio-economic, political, religious and environmental issues; those working long hours with little or no pay; those caught up in a cycle of unemployment, poverty and hunger. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Faithful God, we join other churches in praying for Eritrea and Ethiopia as the focus of the Ecumenical Cycle. We are grateful for the work of the Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical churches during difficult situations; for those who provided humanitarian aid during times of drought and hunger. We pray for more democratic governance that respects human rights and upholds justice for all ethnic groups and minorities in these countries. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Gracious God, we pray for Kowloon Union Church as it seeks to provide spiritual guidance and other forms of help during this challenging time of the pandemic and the changing political climate in our city. We pray for those who make decisions, organize, lead or assist in programs to better serve the community. And we pray for more members of the congregation to contribute their talents and gifts to serve you through you through your people. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer.


Loving God, we pray for those in need – in body, mind or spirit; those in pain, are sick, or undergoing treatment. We pray that you will specially touch the following according to their need: Sameth’s mother; Asha Melwani; Mrs Samuel; Doris Lee; Jeanette Lee; Rachel Tan; Rachel Perry; Mirasol Bolanos; Jenny Alegre; and others whose names we whisper to you in our hearts. Embrace them with your comforting and healing presence. We also pray for our long-time member and former Council chair, Bruce Van Voorhis, who recently re-settled in the USA, with his wife Rose Wu. God, in your mercy: hear our prayer 


Merciful God, hear our prayers in the name of Christ Jesus, who taught us to pray, saying:

Our Father in heaven / hallowed be your name / your kingdom come / your will be done / on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins / as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation / but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours / now and forever. Amen.


04 July 2021

Prayer of Intercession
Sunday 4 July 2021 
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 
Prepared by Robert Lam 

Dear Lord and Creator God:

We pray for the WORLD, remembering the severe adverse effect of Climate Change affecting many parts of the world. We remember the heatwave in Canada and in the Pacific Northwest of US. Lord, the heatwave is unprecedented in this part of the world and the people suffering includes the elderly, the sick and the homeless.

We pray for your grace and mercy to them at this time. We pray that the Government and the medical facilities would be able to cope with this heatwave.
Lord, we are living at a time of increasing and menacing climate change brought about by global warming and our failure to be good stewards of the earth.

Lord, we ask for your forgiveness.

Help us as a community, as a Church, and as individuals to care and to protect the environment.

We pray for our HOME, Hong Kong.

We pray for its well- being, for its stability and the freedom that we have enjoyed.

We pray especially at this time, one year after the enactment of the National Security Law. We remember the many people jailed under this law and in many cases with bail being denied. We pray for those who are in prison, for their well-being, for their family members and friends. We pray for their legal team preparing for their defence that you would give them wisdom.

We pray for our Judiciary and our judges in upholding the Rule of Law, in being fair and impartial in the interpretation of the law.

We pray for the people of Hong Kong, especially those to whom Hong Kong is and will be their home for their family and their children now and in the future. Lord, some of them look to the future with unease, and a sense of foreboding and fear. We pray that the Government and those in the community and in the church will continue to look after their well-being.

We pray for our FAMILY, Kowloon Union Church.

We give thanks for the church located at the heart of the city and the work it has done over the years in caring for the marginalized, in calling attention to those who are discriminated or ignored and those seeking shelter, refuge and sanctuary in time of need.

Lord, we pray for your strength and guidance as we continue this calling. Lord, prosper this work in accordance with your will. Help the church leaders and the congregation to be deeply rooted in your Word and in your Gospel in caring for the community.

Lord, we pray for those in the church who are facing health challenges and we ask for your healing: Asha Melwani, mother of Alex and Mrs Samuel; Doris’ sister Jeanette, Rachel Tan, niece of Lucy; Rachel Perry, niece of Tory Caplan; Mirasol Bolanos, sister of Anjanette, mother of Sameth in Cambodia and our sister Jenny Alegre at QE Hospital for treatment.

In the ecumenical cycle of prayer, we pray together with many other churches around the world for the people and churches of Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda.
We give thanks to the work of churches in Sudan, particularly the Ecumenical Network Sudan in pursuing peace process, healing and reconciliation in the country.

We pray for an end to ethnic animosity between ethnic and religious groups, for governments to respect the will and the best interests of their people.

We pray all these in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.