Sunday 24 October 2021
Prepared by Rev. Pastor Joram Calimuta
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
Prayers for the people
Loving God, grant your people the wisdom of the prophets and the innocence of little children. Take away the hardness of heart which breeds conflict between peoples, divides families and communities, and sets groups against each other. Let childlike trust draw the peoples of the world together in peace, solidarity and unity.
Gracious God, we pray for people who are exploited or persecuted by others:
*the victims of suppression by governments that cannot take dissent or opposition;
*those who have to work for less than a fair wage;
*those who live in fear of violence or torture;
*those who are forced to lower their moral standards in order to keep their job or home;
*those who suffer indignities because of color, creed, political position, gender or sexual orientation;
*those imprisoned on the grounds of conscience;
*those who find the world a hostile place to live.
Touch the hearts and minds of those who perpetuate exploitation, persecution, and abuse of these your children that they may turn away from their wicked ways towards the common good. God, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Creator God, we pray for more genuine commitments from governments, corporations, organizations and individuals to address the worsening impact of climate change. May leaders listen to the voices of the young generations who deserve to inherit your beautiful creation entrusted to our care.
On the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for churches and people of all faiths in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. May there be continued pursuit of peace in the region through the fulfilment of agreements, reintegration of insurgents in society, inclusive dialogue for justice, respect for human rights, and an end to corruption and exploitation of natural resources. God, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Faithful God, guide the Council, Trustees, and coordinators of the ministries of Kowloon Union Church during our strategic planning meeting on Saturday. Take the strengths and weaknesses of this church to speak of your glory. Use the hopes and fears of this church to bring people nearer to you. May we contribute to the transformation of society using whatever gifts and skills you have blessed us with, and always guided by your unfailing love.
Merciful God, we lift to you those who suffer in body, mind or spirit: Mrs. Som; Mrs. Asha Melwani; Mrs. Shirin Samuel; Jenny Alegre; Hend; Doris and Jeanette Lee; Rachel Perry; Ng Kam Lee; and others whose names we whisper to you from our hearts. [Pause…] Guide those who care for them with skills and knowledge to help, comfort and heal. May those who are ill experience your loving presence within and around them. God, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Parent God, as we enter this new week, help us to remember that our relationship with you is not confined within this church building; but that it stretches to all aspects of our life wherever we go. Teach us to listen to your voice and discern your will always. Receive these uttered prayers and those in our hearts that are known only to you, through Christ Jesus, our risen Savior. Amen.