
Prayers for the people

13 March 2022

Prayer of Intercession
13 March 2022
Prepared by Amber Tong
Second Sunday of Lent 

As one church, let us humble ourselves before God and pray. After I say each intercession, I invite you from your homes to respond, “Hear our prayers.”

Dear God, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to dominate our thoughts and our local news. We are devastated to hear the plights of those who suffer because they cannot get the medical care they need, and we are equally concerned for healthcare workers who feel burned out and not understood. We pray that the move to designate Queen Elizabeth Hospital as a COVID hospital will alleviate the needs of those in need of treatment and hospitalization. May the Lord strengthen our health care system and for all front-line workers. As new Isolation unit is about to open its doors to the people of Hong Kong in San Tin, may the healing hand of God be on all who will need these facilities in the coming days.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayers.

Russia’s deadly invasion of Ukraine continues to bear heavily on our hearts. The foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine agreed to talks in Turkey concerning a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict. Going into the talks the expectations were very low – coming out of the talks there are no new developments. The invasion is now in its third week. Already many lives have been claimed and the country’s infrastructure has been greatly affected. An estimated two million have fled Ukraine and are seeking asylum in the surrounding countries. We pray that those who left can find safe refuge and those who are staying may soon find peace and reunite with their families and loved ones again.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayers.

Freedom-loving God, you teach us to love and care for the oppressed and the marginalized. As many Governances throughout the world are opening up to legalize same- sex marriage, the Guatemalan Congress has voted in favour of a law that prohibits the act. The same law will prohibit the teaching of sexual diversity in schools and will raise the prison sentences for women seeking an abortion. Comfort and protect those who are hurt by this law and instill in the government leaders your judgments, not theirs, of what is right and what is wrong.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayers.

Earlier this week the South Korean opposition candidate Yoon Suk-yeol was elected president of the country. We pray for this new governing body. May there be a smooth transition from one set of government leaders to the other, and may they have the best interests of the people in their hearts.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayers.

Indonesia’s Mount Merapi has erupted multiple times in the last few days forcing over 250 people to flee the area. Those fleeing have been warned to maintain a base radius clearance of the area of seven kilometers, leading to great disruption for their lives. Lord, we pray for your mighty protection for the people.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayers.

Thinking of the KUC family, We pray for, Asha Melwani the mother of Alex, for Tony Leung the father of Peter, Mrs. Samuel, Jenny Alegre, Hend, Jeanette Lee, Rachel Perry, Ng Kam Lee, Raymond Lau, Chung Yoke Chin, Ramon Bultron, Bhim Maya Pun, Kathy Chan, Louis Lo, Tong Chong Sze. We remember those who are affected by COVID, and those who are providing care for loved ones at home and in care facilities. We in particular pray for Nam and Inkyu who are currently in Korea attending Nam’s mother who remains in a critical condition.

We lift in prayer the churches and people of all faiths in Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.

We are thankful for the spectacular natural beauty of these countries; for churches that are advocating and implementing measures to redress climate change that is dramatic here and throughout the world; for those who have opened their doors and hearts to people migrating to these lands; and for the support for justice, peace, and interfaith work that comes from these countries.

We pray for the poor and marginalized who struggle in these rich countries; for personal and investment practices that support environmental sustainability; for growing openness to becoming more multi-ethnic, multi-faith societies; for those who are affluent that they will contribute to making the world and their societies more just for all; and lastly for a Church that is prepared to be a voice in the struggle for indigenous people’s rights.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.

These things we pray in the name of Jesus, our redeemer and friend who taught us to pray The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be you name, 

your kingdom come, your will be done, 

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. 

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those 

who sin against us. 

Save us from the time of trial 

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,

now and forever. Amen.

06 March 2022

Prayer of Intercession
6 March 2022
Prepared by Tong Chong Sze
First Sunday of Lent 

Please remember as you pray. . .
·    The Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly spiralled out of control it seems, and has impacted on almost every aspect of people’s lives, from transportation to working conditions to, even buying basic necessities for your homes. Most of us probably already have friends or relatives who have been tested positive. We particularly remember those who are the most vulnerable — the migrant workers, refugees and the poor, as well as medical and healthcare workers.
·    The Government has declared that there shall be mandatory testing for all of Hong Kong, and that some form of lockdown will accompany the testing. However, there had been no details of the arrangement while rumours and conflicting information had been released by different government spokesmen causing anxiety and even sparked panic buying sprees. We pray that the Government can provide timely and well thought out detail arrangement to reassure the community.
·    As Russia’s invasion to Ukraine continues, and hundreds of thousands of  civilians had to flee their homes while deaths and casualties escalate, we pray for peace and for the naked aggression to cease. Lord, please grant world leaders the wisdom and compassion to stop the tragedies and restore harmony.
·    The world is celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March. The theme for this year is 'breaking the bias'. We pray that men and women work together towards a world free of stereotypes and discrimination, to build a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.
·    Record-breaking fatal floods are putting many places in Australia under water. We pray for those who lost loved ones to the natural disaster and bless the rescue efforts. We also pray that the world can learn from such natural disasters of how our own actions may have impacted on the environment.
For the Congregation
·      We pray for Som, the mother of Sameth in Cambodia, Asha Melwani the mother of Alex, and Mrs Samuel, Jenny Alegre, Hend, Jeanette Lee, Rachel Perry, Ng Kam Lee, Raymond Lau, Chung Yoke Chin, Ramon Bultron, Bhim Maya Pun, Kathy Chan, Louis Lo, Tong Chong Sze, Hanna Isomura, Pastor Maggie and Amber. We remember those who are providing care for loved ones at home and in care facilities. We particularly pray for a safe journey for Nam and Inkyu as they prepare to return to Korea upon news that their mother is in critical conditions.
For the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
We lift in prayer the churches and people of all faiths in Ireland; United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
We give thanks for:
  • the many distinct cultures in these islands and how literature, music, dance, and other traditions rooted here, have enriched people around the world
  • the economic and other aid that consistently have come from the area to those in the world who are most in need
  • the many who have emigrated to other parts of the world, and in turn, the immigrants from these lands who are now turning the United Kingdom and Ireland into increasingly multi-ethnic, multireligious societies
  • the positive contributions Great Britain has made in world history and that church leaders have played in the ecumenical and interfaith movements.
We pray for:
  • the healing of scars and memories that linger after times of colonization
  • overcoming barriers so that all might experience welcome as these countries become more genuinely multi-ethnic and multi-faith
  • resolving differences and political tensions over how Great Britain should relate to the rest of Europe
  • dealing with the challenges of increasing secularism and the emergence of new ways of expressing religion and spirituality.
Holy and merciful God, we come to you as citizens of a broken world, one that is not as you created it to be. Hear our prayers for the world and for one another:
More than two years after this novel coronavirus first surfaced, we still struggle to deal with it. Remember the people and countries still suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in light of the current situation in Hong Kong. Listen to the plights of the most vulnerable — the migrants, refugees and the poor, the people who are working in risky but essential jobs including those in healthcare and elderly homes — and answer their needs. As we move closer to the mandatory testing for all of Hong Kong, many people are worried and we have seen some panic buying in supermarkets. We pray for peace in our hearts and pray that government officials understand people’s legitimate concerns and anxiety and provide detail arrangement in good time for reassurance.
One: Lord, in your mercy,
Many: Hear our prayers.
You have taught us to love peace, and yet we find ourselves witness to war. As Ukraine battles Russian invasion, protect and heal people who are suffering — the civilians being forced into exile, the families who are now apart, the soldiers who lose their lives. Grant world leaders the wisdom and compassion to stop the tragedies and restore harmony.
One: Lord, in your mercy,
Many: Hear our prayers.
The world is celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March. The theme for this year is 'breaking the bias'. We pray that the all men and women work together towards a world free of stereotypes and discrimination, to build a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.
One: Lord, in your mercy,
Many: Hear our prayers.
Record-breaking fatal floods are putting many places in Australia under water. Comfort those who lost loved ones to the natural disaster and bless the rescue efforts, while opening our eyes to our own actions impact the environment.
One: Lord, in your mercy,
Many: Hear our prayers.
With church physically suspended, we still remember our brothers and sisters. Touch each and everyone of us with your tender love and keep them safe in your arms. We particularly
uplift brothers and sisters, including pastor Maggie, who had tested positive in our prayers. We also lift up many of our congregations who are still recovering from their illnesses, may God bles them with speedy recovery. We also pray for Nam and Inkyu as they are on the way to return to South Korea upon news of their mother being in critical condition.
One: Lord, in your mercy,
Many: Hear our prayers.
These things we pray in the name of Jesus, our redeemer and friend who taught us to pray…
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be you name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory
are yours now and for ever. Amen.