Prayer of Intercession
19 March 2023
Prepared by Victoria Caplan
Forth Sunday in Lent
In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ, let us pray to the Father. As we pray, after I say “God in your mercy”, please respond, “Hear our prayer.”
Almighty Creator God
You gave us a beautiful world to rejoice in. But, through foolishness, greed and, unjust systems, we abuse it and each other. Across the world we see pollution, drought and wildfires, storms and floods.
Bless and help those suffer in the world’s havoc. Grant us the spirit of wisdom and understanding to use and care for your creation properly.
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
God of the Prophets
Protect all who call out injustice and oppression and work for positive change. Give strength and comfort to those striving and suffering to repair the world. Awaken a sense of justice in people in power and call them to good action.
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
God of Peace
We pray for the many places where there is civil unrest, war, fear of war, and where there is domestic violence. We especially pray for the wounded and the tortured.
Direct our families, community and every nation, in the ways of justice and of peace; that we may honor one another, and seek the common good.
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
God of Wisdom
Shine the light of wisdom on us humans. Open our eyes to the physical world and the world of the spirit, intertwined and one. Help us to see clearly where to go, and what to do.
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
Incarnate God, companion of all who suffer in mind, body, or spirit:
Look after people in danger, sorrow, or any kind of trouble: the sick, the lonely, the abused, the addicted, the grieving, the homeless, the imprisoned, the poor, the oppressed, refugees, and people who feel displaced in life.
Strengthen them in their hours of need. Give them courage and hope in their troubles; relieve and protect them, and bring them the joy of your salvation
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
Triune God, who we meet in community,
Thank you for our Kowloon Union Church family, the Christian community in Hong Kong and throughout the world.
We especially pray for: Alex Melwani, Sunita Suna and Helen Lee’s mothers, Mrs Samuel, Anjenette, Hend, Jeanette Lee, Ng Kam Lee, Raymond Lau, Chui, Ana and Ramon Bultron, Lucy Lim, Mercy, Joy Babasa, Lilly Yuen and Jackie Tse.
Please also bless and strengthen those providing care for loved ones at home and in care facilities.
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
For the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
We lift up in prayer the churches and people of all faiths in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
God, in your mercy
hear our prayer
Rejoicing in the fellowship of St Joseph (Mary’s husband and Jesus’s earthly father) and all your saints, we commend ourselves and the whole creation to your unfailing love.